4 Steps to Renovating and Restoring Your Lawn and Garden

Just as you renovate a house when it's not in excellent structural condition, you need to renovate your lawn and garden too. In this case, the renovation process entails restoring the yard to ensure proper growth and improve the health of your grass, plants, flowers and trees. A renovation process may also be necessary just before the onset of inclement weather to increase garden survival. With this in mind, here are the four steps essential for renovating and restoring your lawn and garden.

Identify the Cause of Poor Growth

A garden that's experiencing poor growth requires immediate restoration. However, you can only do this if you know the source of the problem. Therefore, take a tour around your yard and identify the underlying issues. These include leaf discolouration, dying or wilting plants and stunted growth. 

These could be caused by various factors such as excess shading from surrounding trees, poor drainage or pest and disease. In some cases, it's all just due to neglect. Once you identify the problem in your garden, you can create a plan to solve it. For example, use pesticides and plant treatments to restore diseased plants. 

Carry Out Weed Control

Weeds can wreak havoc in your garden and prevent proper plant growth. They compete for water and nutrients with other plants, causing them to suffer deficiencies. A crucial step in renovating your garden and grass lawn is carrying out weed control. 

Start by getting rid of all the weeds in your garden. You can simply pull them out with your hands or use a small hoe to dig around the plants and loosen them. There are also chemicals that you can use to get rid of unwanted weeds. 

Remove Excess Dead Matter

Over time, parts such as the leaves, stems and roots die, slough off and settle at the base of the plants. They decompose together with other organic matter. At the start, these act as mulch and provide nutrients. However, as they accumulate above the base of the plant, they become problematic. The dead matter acts as a breeding ground for pests and insects. It can also suffocate the plant.

You need to get rid of excess dead matter on the base of your plants. If you maintain your garden often, this shouldn't be a problem. However, if you neglect your yard for weeks or month, you are bound to find accumulated dead matter. Get rid of it to protect your plants from disease and death. 

Mulch or Fertilise Your Garden

Finally, use mulch or organic fertiliser to provide essential nutrients to your plants. You can also fertilise and apply mulch on top, especially during the summer. Mulch protects the plants from losing water through evaporation and allows them to survive the summer heat. Ensure you water the garden and lawn as required as well.

Follow these simple steps to renovate and restore your garden and lawn. Contact a garden maintenance service for more information.

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Improving Your Lawn and Garden Features

Hello and welcome to my site! If you are interested in finding out more about the steps you can take to improve your lawn and other garden features, you are in the right place. I'm not an expert when it comes to this subject but I have spent many months researching this topic so I can bring you some top tips and advice. I have written lots of articles which I will be publishing here for you to read. I hope that you enjoy checking out my site and that you come back soon to check on my latest updates. Thank you!



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